19 October 2013

Ocellaris Clownfish - Amphiprion ocellaris

clownfish ocellaris anemone

Ocellaris clownfish are marine ornamental fish from the most popular. Its tiny and striking colors and lively characters make this much-loved fish as ornamental fish.
ocellaris clownfish host anemone

Clown fish live in symbiosis with anemones mutualism. Mutualism Symbiosis means livings together between two living things are mutually beneficial to each other. Sea anemones are plants that have poisonous tentacles. This plant is a carnivorous (animal -eating) fish with a poison that paralyzes the tentacles. Clown fish anemone toxin can be overcome by making himself known not as an alien creature. When you first occupy a toxic species of anemone fish clown will try to adjust to the tentacles to follow the movements of the tentacles and then used to touch the tentacles. Only a few species of anemones that will be occupy by the clown fish. Clown fish anemone benefit from the form of food and protection from predators that will not chase near anemones, while cleansing the body of the anemone get food scraps and dead tentacles.
ocellaris clown fish colors
Ocellaris clownfish live in the ocean floor where there are anemones. Sea anemones are plants that have poisonous tentacles. Clown fish are common in warm waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Great Barrier Reef of Australia.
Ocellaris Clown Fish
Ocellaris clownfish feed from anemone leftovers. The wait anemone paralyzes fish and eats fish catches. Clown fish will eat leftover food that is not consumed anemone. Clown fish also eat the dead tentacles of anemones, algae and plankton.
ocellaris clownfish habitat
In a group of clown fish, there is a female predominance. There is only one stud (mating eligible male fish) and one female in a group of clown fish. Other clown fish is a male hermaphrodite, meaning that he could turn into females. If the female clown fish die then one clown fish will be females. These female clowns fish will then choose one of the clown fish into males have mating rights.

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