20 October 2013

Betta fish - Betta Splendens

betta fish as pets
Betta fish is one of the ornamental fish that have commercial value, both for the domestic and export markets. As of ornamental fish that likes to fight , have an attractive appearance which has a relatively long fins with nice color spectrum while the female fish looks less attractive , because not long fins and bright colors were not so the betta, male sex was higher than female gender .
betta fish colors
Male betta have brighter colors and the fins are longer than the female fish. Therefore male betta fish consumers demand more and have a higher commercial value than the females. Therefore it is necessary to multiply the production techniques of male fish in each spawning. One effort that can be done is by administering the hormone androgen in sex differentiation period.
betta fish tanks
Treatment no less important, to maintain the type of water should not contain chlorine, so ideally fairly regular well water. Two days, the water changed once a week and replaced half of the total.
betta fish
As for the betta fish breed, typically using a male and female betta with age was over five months. Males ready to mate, among others, marked by nature want to attack and make a nest of foam on the surface of the water. If you already made ​​a nest, the female betta can be used as one. Pair of Hickey will often close together, about two days later we've seen little egg white.
betta fish types
Betta fish is one strong fish survive in a long time so that when the fish is placed in a container with a little water volume and without any air circulation equipment, these fish can still survive.
One female betta is able to produce thousands of eggs. On average 1000 to 1500 eggs. After hatching, chicks’ betta separated and placed in rearing ponds tub. It could also be in an aquarium with a minimum length of one meter. With guaranteed feed, its seedling growth rate will be fast and up.

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