27 October 2013

Green Tiger Fish - Puntius Tetrazona

green tiger barb

Green Tiger fish (Puntius tetrazona) including a new species of fish sold in the market. This fish is a freshwater fish that is unique, this uniqueness as well as the color pattern seen from the line. The visible color pattern is black, green, and albino. Line pattern looks different with Sumatra fish, if the fish Sumatra have 4 small bars, while fish has a great bar with green or black color.

green tiger barb fish

Fish are also known as "the most green tiger barb fish" is the result of a mutation Sumatra fish. This fish has scales green and black with a distinctive pattern on her side. End of the dorsal fin and anal fin blackish red -colored fish, but the other fins are reddish transparent.

green tiger barb fish profile
Aircraft maintenance is done in green tiger tank fiber or concrete tank. Maintenance of male and female parent carried separately. Feed given to the maintenance of this stem is hair worm, or athlete with a frequency of twice a day in the morning and afternoon.

green tiger barb tropical fish
Green tiger fish spawning in the performed continuously aerated with moderate force. As a spawning ground used water hyacinth which also functions as a protector of the eggs after spawning and predation parent is also a hiding place from the pursuit of the female parent male parent after spawning is complete. To prevent the parent does not take the eggs can be made trap / barrier that is placed a few centimeters from the bottom of the aquarium.

green tiger fish
Male parent first put into the aquarium to provide opportunities for environmental control of spawning the male parent. After spawning is completed both the parent immediately removed from the spawning aquarium. Green tiger fish larvae, fed from 4 days after a newly hatched Artemia nauplii, then gradually given water fleas and worms hair. Newly hatched fish larvae until the age of approximately 15 days maintained in the spawning aquarium, fish could be moved next to the concrete tank or pond and fields that have been fostered so many natural foods grows.

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