28 October 2013

Balloon Molly Fish - Poelicia Latipinna Sailfin Molly

balloon mollies

Latin name of molly fish is Poelicia latipinna Sailfin Molly, but because the fish stomach bloated up like a balloon when many call a balloon molly fish. The appeals of ornamental fish enthusiasts very like it because its body is very cute. With shades of color assortment and the price is quite cheap, making Molly hunted fish ornamental fish enthusiasts from children to adults.

balloon molly fish

This fish came from areas of Mexico, Florida, and Virginia. This fish is live bearer fish, not including fish spawning and omnivores.
Until now there are different varieties and colors very much is due to the crossover and mutation. The beauty of these fish will be more apparent when these fish are quite large and shaped like a ball. This fish would look very nice as a mini goldfish.

bronze balloon molly

Balloon Molly fish, including fish that is quite easy to maintain and does not require a variety of properties. Just put it in an aquarium, plastic buckets, and tubs of cement or other media. To maintain this fish does not need intensive care because these fish have a high immunity. Molly fish are not susceptible to disease and have enough endurance both in adapting to its environment.

Molly Balloon

In their natural habitat Balloon Molly fish water temperature 25-28 ° C with a pH of 8 and a hardness of about 14-20 ° dH . However, because it has long maintained in areas with a neutral pH so now seems cultivation in air- neutral pH region was already no problem.

orange balloon molly

Molly breeding is almost the same as the guppy. It's just that outcomes are better when the water is a bit harsh conditions. Therefore, the addition of salt to about one tablespoon per three liters of water will help increase the production of offspring molly. In addition, the adequacy of the sun is a requirement in order to successfully cultivate molly. Molly will be a parent after the age of five months. Selling approximately 2.5-3.0 cm size that can be achieved within 3-4 months.
To distinguish between male and female balloon molly fish is very easy. Compared to males, females are usually fatter. Male’s dorsal fin is longer and wider and the body is smaller and slimmer than the female.


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  2. Thanks for providing such type of information
    These are also known by the name of “Pot Belly Mollies”. Balloon Mollies have a very peaceful temperament that’s why they are easy to keep especially for the beginners. These are also one of the most underrated fishes ever.
