26 October 2013

Frontosa Fish - Cyphotilapia Frontosa

african frontosa fish

Frontosa fish is a fish that has a beautiful metallic blue and prominent forehead. This fish has a Latin name cyphotilapia frontosa. Cypho derived from the Greek language meaning prominent. Tilapia fish and meaning derived from the population around Lake Ngami in Africa. Frontosa comes from the Latin meaning "to have the front of a big head”.

frontosa fish

Frontosa fish have some kind. The first, which has six stripe Frontosa it's usually a lot of selling in the market. This kind comes from the Burundi. Five strip located on the body and a strip on the head.

frontosa cichlid fish
Types which have seven strips were from Kigoma. Six strips are in the body and one across the eyeball. This type has a slightly yellowish color in the “back “(near the top fin).

blue frontosa fish
The fish from Zambia has six strips and a wide strip around the “nose “. The next kind is from Mpimbwe in Zaire. This one has six strips. The latter types are found around Kilipi in Tanzania. This type proclaim as derived from a cross between Kigoma and Zambia. Frontosa native habitat is in Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa. Frontosa fish live at depths of 10-70 m. They live in groups

cyphotilapia frontosa fish
Frontosa male fish can grow to 30-35 cm while females are smaller. Both males and females have
prominent forehead that will grow bigger the more mature. Males prominent forehead have a larger than females.
The fish in the aquarium should be placed in a group consisting of one male and two or more females. Aquarium should be given a lot of rock that forms like cave. This takes place by the male to the hideout. The stones should be in a strong position because this fish is quite powerful. In the 750 -liter aquarium, we can put 10 or more frontosa.

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