21 October 2013

Black ghost fish - Apterontus albifrons

black ghost fish aquarium
Black Ghost Fish, originating from the Amazon River and Surinam. He is known as “The Black Ghost”. The name was given because of his dull black (white color only wrapped around the base of the tail), whereas he likes to hide in dark places during the day, and new activity in the evenings. This fish is also known by the nickname “The Ballet Dancer”, because the movement forward and backward somersaults with great bending. In addition there is also a call “Fuzzy Chicken " , as when moving a 90 degree angle , his body upright like chicken feathers are black .

black ghost fish information

black ghost fish profile
Although the body length can reach 47 cm. it had haunted the nickname “Black ghost”, but in reality he is not vicious fish. He was even happy to make friends. But that does not mean he cannot fight or get angry. He himself never starts a fight.
Black ghost fish
Therefore, it is suitable for decoration fish aquarium, because it was never nosy towards other fish. And he looks so cute when moving back and somersaulting. However, you should not be mixed Black Ghost Fish in an aquarium with fish that are prey for other fish. His tail is always moving often considered worms. So often eat fish tail stump in malignant. But the tail will eventually grow back. This fish is mixed with suitable fish or fish chef Russianensis Black Moor.
black ghost fish size
Maintain Black Ghost Fish, pretty simple. Enough in a day to be fed 2 times, morning and evening. The food is not too hard, red worms (blood worms) they receive. Another thing to consider in treating black ghost is water. Water needed by him this is the air- water pH 7, and clear. Then the aquarium water should be replaced every 5 days using ground water (wells) that have been deposited during the first 24 hours with aerator, or tap water that has been deposited for 3 days.

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