22 October 2013

Neon Tetra Fish - Paracheirodon Innesi

neon tetra fish colors
Tetra fish species known quite beautiful. Various types of tetra -known as Green Tetra , Blue Tetra , Silver Tetra , Neon Tetra and many others . Neon Tetra Fish, this ornamental fish belongs to the group of the most interesting fish. His body was red and blue striped green throughout his body from the gills to the tail. Ornamental fish is easy to maintain, strong and not easy to get sick / die.
neon tetra fish
Tetra fish itself is fish that comes from deep waters in South America , they usually live at the bottom of the river that are not exposed to much sunlight , it is because they are not too fond of light , let alone the light is too bright . Tetra fish is a fish that likes clustered ( colonize ) , they are fish friendly with other fish so it is suitable to be maintained at Aquascape , especially those with beautiful colors and attractive , making the viewer feel calm.
neon tetra fish pictures
This fish likes to be on the surface of the water and live in stagnant water with lots of aquatic plants . Eating animals - microscopic animals such as insect larvae, plankton, and usually live in groups. It is suitable maintained with other small fish in the aquarium are clustered and many aquatic plants. The males are smaller than the female fish.

neon tetra fish aquarium
Neon tetra fish are among the most salable fish tetra fish the other group , because it has the advantage of fish can shine a little light when exposed to visible light so the fish .
neon tetra fish colors
Male and female parent can be clearly distinguished. The males are blue straight line, while in females the crooked blue line. To cultivate neon tetra fish, place the fish in the bathtub spawning pair of dark. The light intensity can then be gradually increased until spawning occurs. During the mating process, the fish can be fed on mosquito larvae. After spawning, the parent may be taken or removed from the aquarium. After 24 hours, the eggs will hatch. Usually the water for the hatchery is not aerated so that the pH stable.

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