29 October 2013

Puffer Fish – Porcupinefish

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Puffer fish usually also disrupt fishing for these fish often grabbed the string with sharp teeth and will decide your fishing line strings at once .
Puffer fish body can inflate like a balloon and remove sharp thorns; this is done to protect themselves from prey that would bother him. In addition, it also has a puffer fish poison contained in his body. This species generally can grow up to have a length of 8-14 inches (20-35 cm); reaching a maximum of 20 inches (50 cm) and the spread of these fish are in the tropical waters around the world.

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This fish is a predator evening, usually hiding in reef crevices during the day and will be looking for food at night. Teeth are fused together into a single unit, creating a strong mouth and may crack snail shells, sea urchins, and crabs are this fish main food.

Puffer fish
Toxins contained on the inside of the fish are called tetrodotoxin (TTX). Lethal dose of poison puffer fish to humans is 2 mg TTX. This poison is very deadly and will react on its victims in less than half an hour.
Symptoms of TTX poisoning, will be preceded by nausea, vomiting, numbness in the mouth, then appear impaired nerve function characterized by itching on the lips, legs and arms. The next symptom is the occurrence of paralysis and difficulty breathing and death from heart attack. The symptoms arise during the first 10 minutes to 30 minutes and after that will lead to death.

Ways to avoid the destruction of fishing because this fish when we are fishing in the ocean is to add the connection of the metal at the end of your string before the hook , this connection will withstand bites caused by puffer fish who does have sharp teeth .

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If you get caught, you should hook you remove it carefully because these fish will raise him and thorns be dangerous. Use a cloth or glove to hold the fish and remove the rod eye of mouth and return the fish to the sea.

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