The Neon Tetra or Paracheirodon Innesi is a small slim-bodied species of tetra. It is almost looks alike Cardinal Tetra with its horizontal stripe that seems to glow, but is a distinctly different. They can readily be identified, each fish having a beautiful red stripe next to an electric blue neon stripe. The difference is that the red stripe only halfway up the body while it runs the full length of the body on the Cardinal Tetra. Neon Tetras are less demanding about their water conditions than the Cardinal Tetras but they must have peat-filtered water. Neon Tetra like some plant cover and a darker gravel. They are ideal fish for a community aquarium with other peaceful fish. It is best not to keep them with larger fish. They are most comfortable and show their best colors when kept in 6 or more fish.
Paracheirodon innesi of the characin family, also called ‚the neon tetra is the most known freshwater fish kept at home aquariums. This peaceful species does well in groups of 6 or more. You could find recommendations like 6+ tetras, 8+ tetras or more. Therefore, it’s recommended to buy a species tank with 20-50 neon tetras. Well organized tank for neon tetras means plenty of plants, with a bit acidic and soft water.
The Neon Tetras are egg layers, the female will lay up to hundred eggs. Some considered this fish difficult to breed. Success has been had, by using especially soft acidic water, intense sterilization of the breeding tank and everything used in and on the tank, and make sure that we have compatible paired of fish. The neon tetra eggs are sensitive to light.
The Neon Tetra was a very exciting addition to the aquarium hobby when first introduced in the 1930's, and is still sought after by aquarium enthusiasts today. Aquarium with a school of flashing Neon Tetras must be a brilliant display. The fish is an active schooling fish, one of the most peaceful tetras, and a very desirable community fish. Keep them only with other small fishes or in their own tank, their small size can easily make them a qourmet meal for larger fishes.
They are most comfortable and show their best colors when kept in a school of 6 or more fish. They like a planted aquarium and a dark gravel substrate. Their water should be soft, clean, slightly acidic, and changed regularly. The Neon Tetra can live 10 years or more with the proper conditions.