26 June 2008

GoldFish - Carassius Auratus

Goldfish Asians are domesticated subspecies of goldfish, carp Gibela, kind, of course, presents a wide range of morphological changes, if in different environments. In his native China, inhabiting rivers, streams, ponds, lakes and canals, live in operation, still, stagnant water and even 10 ° C to 32 ° C, will increase to about 30 cm long and 2.5 kg in weight During the 2 -3 years, about 10 years. This tasty dish of fish! He easily crosses any ornamental goldfish, produce viable offspring. On the right picture of the Asian carp Gibela.

In the wild, goldfish can be found in slow-moving, freshwater waters. Like its close relative of the carp, they thrive in a slightly sludgy water. None of the Goldfish varieties found in aquariums occur naturally in the wild. They are all bred specifically for a particular characteristic - color, shape or FIN, etc. The closest in the form of the wild Goldfish is the Comet, although the wild form is a somewhat shorter stockier fish with fins.

Goldfish has a lot of subspecies or varieties such as Ranchu, Tosa, LionHead, Oranda, Comet, Pearlscale, Ryukin and Celestial Eye each has it's own distinguished beauty.


  1. you have a nice blog here as well!! i like ur design... neat!

  2. I too like your blog.

    A question - we have a 7 or 8 year old goldfish (I call it a "Carnival Goldfish" because of where it came from). He/she has outgrown several tanks and it's obvious it's growing into the space we provide. Is this a fish that can be put into any pond in our backyard and survive? This fish is a member of the family now - we don't want to see it come to harm at our hands!

    Thanks. :)
