When he was young,
Severum fish like Discus fish children. For beginners are often confused sometimes.
Are not so familiar with, may believe it, say young children Severum Discus. They
are the same body shape, flattened laterally. Similarly relatives, they both
come from a single family, the Cichlidae. But they have different appearance, character
and prices.

derived from the word severe, which means harsh or severe. Even abroad, fish
from the Amazon River is more popularly known as “Convict Fish “. Then why is
it so called? Here's the story: When I was younger, these fish are peaceable,
happy to live side by side each other. But as an adult, he was averse approached
his friend, joy, alone, like a convict. Dare if anyone close, just wants a fight.
Surrounding environment if there are aquatic plants all made a mess. A
property belonging to the other extreme of Severum fish is territorialism. Means
he has to dominate the properties of a region with a certain radius of his environment.
Territorial limits cannot be contradicted by other fish. Severum therefore less
appropriate when the maintenance is mixed with other fish species. Severum base
color is a combination of yellow and brown, with
the abdomen somewhat brighter. However sometimes seen varies. Depend on the environment
/ origin, mood and age of the fish.

young has brown body, with a vertical line. As adults, especially the males,
the color becomes slightly greenish. Along the flanks mottled brownish red. In
fact now often found albino Severum. Her whole body is golden yellow with pink eyes.
They called Cichlasoma Severum. Severum fish can reach a length of about 20 cm.
Desired water as the medium of his life is clean and slightly alkaline with a
temperature of 22-27 degrees Celsius. Though he received almost all types of
foods (omnivores), but its better if Severum given natural living foods, such
as earthworms or fish meat that has been destroyed.