26 July 2008

Siamese Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens

Betta splendens or Siamese Fighting Fish are a maze of bodies in their heads that allows them to the oxygen directly from the atmosphere, in addition to obtain the oxygen from the water surface through their gills. Thats why Bettas could live in a very small place, some even put this fish on a beer bottle. Bettas, who can not reach the surface in may die and drowning. To this day some Species of Betta are placed together for the sole purpose of fighting, thus why the other common name "Siamese Fighting Fish". They got sub varian such as Betta Imbellis, Betta Pugnax, or Betta Trifasciata.

Betta's overall figure long body in comparison with most other members of the sub order. Abdominal fins are formed sword. Finn will start behind half of the body. Selective breeding of common Veil Tail Bettas see today have little resemblance with wild patterns. You can reach lengths of between two and a quarter of an inch (6 cm).

Siamese Fighting Fish has a very wide colour variation. The long finned, highly colorful strains of the betta we know today could vary from the original it's forms. Nowadays we have body colored such as bright Blue Emerald Green, Red, Red-Violet Yellow, White, and Black. Those colors can be found alone or usually a mixture of two of them. Original form has much less variation. The colors are only intense when the fish is fighting or breeding and tend to be washed out at all other times. When this happens the Betta is a non spectacular Reddish-Brown with two transverse bars visible on the body. Not only the color variation but now the shape of fin and tail has been evolve to a more beautiful shape. Females, even today are mostly has a pale color with short fins.

Bettas are not difficult to take care of. This fish will be very happy in any well lit tank with a dark substrate. Some floating plants will complete the setup. They should be kept in fresh water with a temperature range of 73 to 80 fahrenheit. There is no special requirements regarding water composition and aeration and filtration is not necessary. Bettas like most fish relish live food but have no problems accepting the flake staple foods. Bettas tolerate all other fish well and can be put in a community tank set up. Be sure there are no fin nipping fish like Tiger barbs or your beautiful fish will be stripped of all its fins. The male Bettas will not tolerate the presence of another male and will fight to the death to protect his pride.


  1. I have a crown tail betta named Bruce. He's got a lot of personality for a fish. He is always flaring his gills out at me.

  2. For great information about Bettas go to http://www.ibcbettas.org
    They also have a link on there to a complete Wild Betta sit.

  3. alright I have a healthy dark bleu/red betty I give him my boyfriend's name (rodrick) he like to eat a lot like my bf he really enjoy been a fish I put little flowers for him make feel comfortable, in little small portion I fed him 3 times daily. Now I want to have another fish to put in my tank? Pleas answer at bellfanmkreol@yahoo.com
